Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Departure of Another Year

In some ways the holiday celebrations can be as stressing as going to war.
The time it takes to organize a gala, decide on the menu, oversee the decorations and manage the invitation list, is overwhelming to say the least.
Over the years I have hosted many parties in Krespania and have developed my own sense of perfection in arrangements, so that even in Agmar I find myself supervising with my usual vigor and commitment.

But after planning a Christmas event and then my brother's birthday celebration a few days after, I find myself a little fatigued amidst administrating the New Year's ball.
I have no sympathy from Lennox though; He would rather have me forget the whole thing since he does not particularly like social gatherings, with the exception of his birthday, of course.
But Meredith noticed, and has since then put an end to my party planning.

My lady-in-waiting says that I have already done more than enough, and that it is pointless to continue to stress myself when others can handle it.
Beginning with last month she has been especially protective of me, and I know it is because she fears I will exhaust myself as I did after going to war and have a relapse.
So she pampers and fusses over me, like a mother hen, and insists I rest if I show signs of even the slightest fatigue.
That is why I am writing at this moment, because she will not allow me to take part in any more activity until this evening.

I admit that the basis of her concern is reasonable.
At certain moments I still feel as if I have not quite recovered to full health, and I tire more easily than in the past.
For reasons I cannot understand the fight against the Lorates rendered me weaker than I would have imagined.
I have been in many battles and they have not had this effect on me. Perhaps I needed more reconditioning and training...
Anyway, Meredith will take it to prove her point that I should remain at Krespania instead of going to war.

The party decorations are festive and hung beautifully about the great hall, the long tables are being prepared and set with delicious food. Roast quail, partridge and other fowl will be served, along with mutton and Lennox's favorite, veal. There will be cranberry jelly, fresh pomegranates and strawberrys, vegetables, and piping hot bread also.
And very soon our friends and guests will arrive, and together we will celebrate the ending of this year and the beginning of the new year.

The thought of all this fills my heart with cheer and merriment, and makes me giddy.
I do not know what this new year holds for me but for now I am going to relish this moment together with my loved ones and friends and enjoy it as best I can.

May this new year find you in good health, and surrounded by family and those you love dearest.

-Emerald de Gavrillac
 Queen of Krespania

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