Friday, April 24, 2015

A Jester Before The King

“I am leaving for Fyros upon the day after tomorrow,” Hyndralad said yesterday.
With little introduction he had entered the chamber where I sat and delivered this declaration before taking a seat.

My ladies-in-waiting all were present, (except for Meredith), as were certain officers of the court and a couple of my lords.
Meredith asked to be excused from society that morning on an account of her receiving too much sun yesterday.
Her and I had played many games of badminton, and as she was not in the shade as I had been she was burdened with a radiant tint upon her skin and felt she was not suitable for the public eye.
Without her it felt a little strange since she was constantly positioned at my side.

"Has LunaMara displeased you that you should depart so soon after arriving?"
A week had hardly come to pass since he had come. 
"If so, I should be rewarded."

I jerked my head to the left to the man who spoke, who wore flamboyant colored garb and a devious smile upon his mouth.
Floki Boldlips: the jester of the court and a nuisance at the moment. 
I typically did not restrain his impetuous tongue but I would at present with such sensitive company.

He shrank at my look, and I turned back to Hyndralad, who's raised eyebrows showed his irritation at the intrusion.
"No, I immensely enjoyed your palace and wish to see more. However, that is not of my choice. A letter arrived from your brother."

"Who, the emperor of Agmar?" Spoke the sarcastic jester. 
The king of Isoloyia narrowed his eyes upon him.
"Forgive my jester, sire. He has not learned when to restrain his impudence to a more welcoming time."
I moved my foot underneath my chair and gave Floki a furtive kick.
He squeaked.
"A problem of his whole race." Hyndralad remarked with disdain.

I had not made the connection until that moment.
"You mean the Elikor Vez-Dûns?"
It was no secret that the Vez-Dûn's despised their clumsy brethren and considered them indignant.
The Elikor Vez-Dûns were everything contrary to the others; they mingled freely with foreign folk, gave their loyalty and friendship without discrimination, and most loathed of all by their brothers was their known trait of being clumsy and ungraceful.

This race could not even climb a tree without slipping to their doom.
They kept to the earth and were as light-hearted and happy as their brothers were solemn.
I think I am correct in my knowledge that their line originated with King Hyndralad's brother, Arasil Carrot-Top. 
I did not think it strange until that moment having met Hyndralad I realized how different they were!

"Yes. And you are just as bad subjecting yourself to a humble task of jesting!"
The insults fell off of Floki like water on a ducks back, and he smiled.
"Oh great-uncle, you do not mean that!"
At this I almost fell out of my chair and burst into laughter. 
Hyndralad's face became red, and I was afraid I was going to witness an outrage as explosive as a volcano.

"Floki! Take a walk!" 
The jester slunk from the chair into the recesses of the chamber, and the ladies-in-waiting shifted uncomfortably.
I put on the sternness reserved for such situations that required queenly intervention - I hoped that would diffuse the Vez-Dûn king's fury.

"You said Lennox wrote?"
This meant something had happened to change the circumstances of the fight with the Astrologers.
King Hyndralad blinked a couple of times as if he had forgotten the subject of our conversation in his irritation with my jester. 
"He told me to disclose the contents to you so as not to waste his time by writing a copy, Queen Emerald. He told me that he has uncovered the tavern of the Astrologers and is waiting for me before he makes his raid."

"Will he need my assistance as well? I can send troops with you."
"No, I do not think it will be necessary, milady. This fight is not of numbers but of wit." 
He continued, "And speaking of this, Emperor Lennox told me of your advice concerning the stalemate with the Astrologers. Your wisdom was proven as it did solve our difficulty.
"Such mental capacity for things of war is rarely found in women, no matter how great, and I am impressed. Lennox is blessed to have a sister who will support him and whom he can go to for words other than frivolous ones." 

I was immune to flattery but coming from him it was high praise.
I should have in the service of all womankind defended the feminine name, yet in that moment I cared not but to relish in those words of acceptance that I thought I would never hear from him.

The sound of a crunching arose behind me.
It was Floki drawing near with an apple he had chosen from the bowl on the table.
The spell was broken; the enchantment lifted.

I changed the subject.
"But you will at least accept passage on one of my Krespanian ships, will you not? Their speed is well-known, and you would be at your destination without delay. Your supplies can follow afterwards."
"Milady's offer is undeniable. I am grateful." 
He bowed, and to my left I saw the impetuous mouth of Floki Boldlips begin to open.
One glance at me however, and he shut it with a snap.

I am unhappy to see him go, contrary to my feelings before his arrival. 
And the palace has lost it's intrigue along with the presence of the Vez-Dûn king.
While he was here the air around him held a mystery as he himself was a mystery and his character an unsolvable enigma.

I like the opportunity of talking with him and discovering more about him. 
Because if he displayed such a dissimilar character as when we first met in Isoloyia who knew what others he had not revealed as of yet; some genial and most likely more that were hostile.
But what was the closest to his inner soul and self?

In all likelihood we will meet again, due to his helping my brother in Fyros, so I know this will not be a permanent goodbye.

-Emerald de Gavrillac
 Queen of Krespania