Friday, December 28, 2012

Preparations of a Christmas Festivity

Since this is the primary letter founding my archives I will introduce myself so that any reader in the future or present will know who I am.

My Christian name is Emerald, my surname, de Gavrillac. I am queen of Krespania and sister to Lennox de Gavrillac, emperor of Agmar, whose name every person surely is familiar with.  His conquests and victories over eastern parts of Irania are much spoken of and have secured him a large amount of world recognition and respect. And you might wonder how such a thing is possible, him being emperor of Agmar and me ruling Krespania, therefore I will straighten it out before I continue. My mother was queen of the respectable kingdom of Krespania and my father was king of Agmar. They both met and fell in love notwithstanding the added tradition of our world that such a union should be made for an opportune alliance between two kingdoms, they married. Afterward I was born and then Lennox. And when we became of age our parents bequeathed to us their kingdoms, Lennox was given Agmar which he turned into an empire and I given Krespania.  My kingdom is a smaller one compared to that of Agmar but I live in peace and receive respect and appreciation while my brother's already vast empire is continually growing and as he seeks to conquer more lands he creates more enemies that keep him on his guard because they seek to destroy him.

But I will not go into detail about my brother for that is not my intention for this letter. As you full know tonight is Christmas Eve, and with that there is much festivities and seasonal galas to organize during this time. And being ruler of my kingdom I am the select one to ready the implements to bring about those much anticipated parties.
Kings, queens, lords, ladies and every noble from all different parts of the world are invited therefore everything must be planned out and perfect to the very last detail.  I very much enjoy this season but I must confess that if you were to see me now I would be in a frenzy, rushing to and fro through the halls and corridors of the palace, issuing orders to the servants to do this or that and rather stressed out. But this is only on the eve of the big day.  Last week I was in a calm state, content that my brother was actually home for the holidays, and I savored many days in his company while in that time we caught up on how each was doing and discussed many subjects in the midst of sipping hot wassail and sitting in front of the crackling fireplace like we did so many times when we were young and free without a care or duty in the world. But now he has a responsibility and that most of the time it draws him into danger. I found myself worrying recently that he might not come back from his latest conquest and that he could be fatally injured in the midst of battle and never return, theses are thoughts that often occupy my mind when he is on one of his adventures, so my relief was more than words could describe when he came home. I am overjoyed that he can spend Christmas with me instead of off at an unknown location in the East full of danger and enemies that lurk around every corner.  It is not that I doubt his skill or competence as a warrior but anyone can make a mistake and that miscalculation alone could be very detrimental in war.

But to a lighter subject and one that is to dominant this letter, you should see the palace in all it's finery and decor. The servants have applied fresh pine boughs that emit such an earthy and vivid scent, to every banister, windowsill and doorway, and it fills the palace with a lovely deep fragrance.  Holly and mistletoe are included in the decoration of the long feast table for tomorrow's dinner, wrapping in between the golden lamp stands arms.  I have had the tapestries all washed, the whole palace dusted and I fear the servants will be greatly fatigued by the time this feast is finished. But they do not seem to mind, not that they would utter a complaint, because even while they work I can see an excitement and exuberance in their countenance that one would not easily find any other time of the year.

I have planned the menu to consist of roasted quail, large cuts of beef and lamb, eels in a thick spicy puree, pastries of all sorts and pies and tarts of all flavors. That is just a small amount of what the whole meal will include and the finest wine also will be served.

A midst all this commotion I begin to feel overwhelmed and even wonder why I attempt this every year but once I calm down and next Christmas comes upon us I feel ready to plan again. The truth is Christmas is not about feasts or parties, I know this for a fact, even if it is enjoyable and anticipated, but Christmas is a time for spending with the family. To enjoy each others company and to not take for granted their love for you.
But more importantly, it's about a Baby that was born long ago in a little town in the East. This Baby was Jesus Christ. He loved us so much that He came to offer us salvation from our blackest sins by His sacrificial death on the cross that took place years later.
So when I get caught up in the commotion of planning and begin to be stressed out I have to stop myself and remind myself what Christmas is really about: His birth.  That is the true meaning of Christmas and without it there would not be a Christmas.
So I will leave you with this note, and with all my heart I wish you a merry Christmas.

-Emerald de Gavrillac
 Queen of Krespania