Sunday, February 15, 2015

To Flee Or Not To Flee

A strange report reached my ears nearly a week ago; my sentries have sighted Hyndralad de Gundalia, king of Isoloyia, at my borders and since then traveling through my land seemingly with Estrillo, my capital, as his destination.
My mind was brought to confusion upon hearing this news.
What could it mean, I puzzled?

Our last encounter was less than cordial, having found him resisting any sort of assistance in the on-going war, and only after some persuasion on my part did we receive the dreadfully needed supplies and sustenance in order to keep us alive and strong enough to help our brothers in the battle against Palkaan the Tyrant.

His aloof and detached civility resulted in my conclusion that we would never meet again – especially by his leave, yet there he was in my kingdom.
I immediately brought the morning court to an end and arranged for my counselors to meet me in the conference chamber.

Their verdict was simply stated: we could not forbid him to enter on suspicion that he might harbor ill-will and pernicious intention toward us.
And in all honesty he has not exhibited any signs to warrant that assumption.
I only find it surprising that he should visit me, and must wander why.
Given the fact that the King of Isoloyia is not friendly, I am inclined to think it would be for the worse.

Therefore we must receive him with every royal courtesy for diplomacy's sake, whatever his purpose for coming.
We adjourned, and I withdrew to the gardens.
The sky was clear with the exception of the brilliantly lit orb suspended midway in it's blue folds.
It was an unusually warm day for February, and the fresh air was reviving.
Once my lady-in-waiting and I were alone I turned to her with some apprehension weighing my conscience.
“Meredith, what would be the consequences following a queen who participated in a long horse-back ride so that she avoided a certain noble personage?”

“I am afraid such an act would result in Her Majesty being subject to open disapproval and ridicule.” She replied.
“But I know Her Majesty; her duty is nearest in her mind, and no matter how hard the task is she would not avoid it.”
The answer was without pretense and straightforward.
I squinted past the the lifeless foliage surrounding me and the morning sun to the tall trees at the northernmost part of the palace.
I gave a wry smile.
“You must know her better than I... I just do not wish to be under that heavy gaze of reproach again. You cannot fully understand how it made me feel - small does not compare!”

“Milady, I thought you did rather well at the situation.”
“but it took every ounce of courage inside of me to stand up to such an imposing figure! I felt weak, and I loathed it.”
Meredith smiled. “Your Majesty has a strength within that will endure any situation. You will stand up to him once again. But perhaps we will find His Majesty of Isoloyia changed in disposition since last we met and more tolerable.”

“Perhaps so – I hope so! But I have my doubts.”
We walked along the stone pathway and talked of other things, yet amidst it I found the disturber of my peace not easy to forget, and the looming encounter something to dread.

-Emerald de Gavrillac
Queen of Krespania

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