Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Without An Excuse

It is time to go home - I, back to Krespania, and Hyndralad back to Isoloyia.

I have tarried too long, and although my stewards oversee the government better than is required of them, my people still wish their queen among them, as is my duty.

The Vez-Dûn king was the first to depart, having fully recovered his strength.
He regretted leaving me in the midst of my troubling circumstances but said that he had already delayed his return longer than he had previously planned.
I was sorry to see him go, and only then realized how much I had grown to rely on his company and wisdom.
He would leave a strange unforeseen gap in among my companions in the Agmar castle.

As I watched the Isoloyian vessel sail into the blue of the early morning horizon I marveled at the thought that this Vez-Dûn, who, months before I would not even have regarded as a friend, could now hold the position of a close ally I would trust to protect my brother's or my life against any evil, at the risk of his own.

And with Hyndralad gone I could no longer use the excuse to delay by saying that I was waiting for his recovery before I left.
And by delay I mean that my hope was that Lennox would return before now but alas, he has not and my duty to my country must intercede personal feelings.
So with reluctance I ready my crew to sail.

It is a curious thing, despite the successful practice of hiding my feelings or fears from those around me, King Hyndralad was somehow able to see through it and with an uncommon sensitivity, asked one day if he could send a Vez-Dûn courier to seek my brother's welfare in San Vey.
Though, that same task was well within my power to dispatch, I found the thought of the highest degree of consideration.

With those alert and skilled eyes, I can also foresee mental discomfort in certain situations in the future when I am before him, in knowing he is capable of reading those thoughts I deem only fit for my own mind.
The idea rattles me somewhat, but it would not be the first time the strength of those golden eyes intimidated me, nor the last I am certain.

But in this case I on the contrary, found it a relief that he knew and instead of looking down upon me, offered a sympathetic hand.
I declined, much against my own desire, for I would not want to disturb my brother just to satisfy my worrisome feelings.

No, he will contact me when he is ready, and there will not be a word addressed to him before that time.
So I move on and return to Krespania.

I apologize for my lack of communication this past month; besides being occupied with thoughts of Lennox, I have been engaged in various activities with the Agmarian nobles of the court that I neglected my monthly custom.
Pray, forgive my negligence.

-Emerald de Gavrillac
  Queen of Krespania

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