Saturday, May 30, 2015

Upon The Threshold Of Evil

Just as the dark clouds bring rain so the arrival of a letter brings grief and mourning to my soul.
The letter was from Lennox; it gave an account of his encounter with the astrologers and the catastrophe that followed.

As with any war, battle, or skirmish no matter how much thought goes into it things will not go as planned.
For it to follow closely would be a great success.
By some circumstance that I know not how, Lennox writes that our young cousin has been killed and that he is partly to blame.
My curiosity is mad and in turmoil for along with the emotion produced by the loss of kindred is coupled the haunting fact that he was the only son of my uncle's beloved wife now deceased.
His lamentation will not be short and his pain inconsolable.

And without the justification of my brother actions or explanation my anger is aroused that he is in anyway concerned with cousin Edward's death.
I know Edward was not completely blameless by the word treachery contained in Lennox's report, and further know that my brother would not recklessly endanger another's safety.

But lo, more dark news follows further on in his letter that reeks havoc and strips my conscience of any comfort.
In Prince Edward's anger he threw an astrologer's shuriken into king Hyndralad.
The poison tipped weapon embedded itself into the King of Isoloyia's chest, and though the necessary measures of care has been taken to clean the wound for healing Hyndralad continues to draw near to the resting place of his ancestors.

His strength is steadily waning, and Lennox tells me that he fears that he will not have enough time as they are now sailing to Uelar where he hopes he will find the remedy in the many scrolls that his library contains.
The anguish of the other dilemma moves aside in reading these word as desperation has made it's way to my heart.

With every hour slowly ticking away for the Vez-Dûn king, I find it impossible to think of anything else save a solution for my ailing friend.
And now with some consideration I have derived my course of action: Two simple orders that I have delivered to my servants.
The first is to scour the library of LunaMara for any volumes pertaining to poison.
The second is to the captain of the Golden Dawn to ready my ship.

I plan to set sail for Uelar, the Capital of Agmar, with all the books collected, and there I can assist in the search for a remedy and have the enigma of my cousin's death explained to me fully face to face by my brother.

But until this crisis has been resolved for me it will be difficult to remain still, even more so through the long week that lay ahead aboard the ship to Agmar.
My questions will have to lay dormant and restrain their roving restlessness while the allotted time passes and my worries carefully subdued (which will be a difficult task to accomplish).
This peace of mind will not come without harrowing strain but is justified as being necessary for my own well-being.
I will only drive myself mad if my mentality is given full control to mull over and brood without hindrance.

I shall pray, fervently, and search as much as is in my power but that is all that can be done by myself.
It rests in God's hands – God's ever so capable hands, for He can do greatly more.

-Emerald de Gavrillac
Queen of Krespania

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